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Hi2611 Soc / HINOC Soc / CDR-Hi5216 Soc / Hi2610H8 Soc


Current Position:Home > Product > Hi2610H8 Soc

  • Hi2610H8 Soc

    Hi2610H8 was mass produced in March 2017, using the SMIC 40nm process, and has achieved sales of 918,000 pieces.

    Hi2610H8 Soc
  • Hi2610H7 Soc

    Hi2610H7, using SMIC 40nm process. This chip is used in DTMB HD set-top box products.

    Hi2610H7 Soc

  • Hi2318 Soc

    Hi2318 is a high-performance, highly integrated media playback chip integrated with 32-bit embedded MCU, built-in 256Mb capacity DDRI, with TV as the display terminal. Hi2318 was mass produced in October 2016, using SMIC40nm process, and has achieved sales of 3.24 million pieces.

    Hi2318M Soc
  • Hi2312 Soc

    Hi2312 is a high-performance, highly integrated media playback chip integrated with 32-bit embedded MCU, with TV as the display terminal. The Hi2312 integrates a high-performance hardware JPEG decoder capable of handling JPEG images up to 64M pixels.

    Hi2312 Soc
  • Hi2610A2 Soc

    Hi2610A2 is a high-performance, highly integrated media playback chip integrated with 32-bit embedded MCU, with TV as the display terminal. The Hi2610A2 integrates a high-performance hardware JPEG decoder capable of handling JPEG images up to 64M pixels.

    Hi2610A2 Soc
  • Hi2610A1 Soc

    Hi2610A1 is a high-performance and highly integrated media playback chip integrated with 32-bit embedded MCU, which is mainly developed for the multimedia playback market such as set-top box. It uses TV as the display terminal. To provide users with cost-effective set-top box solutions.

    Hi2610A1 Soc

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